History of Fingerprints
1. Fingerprints have been used for many years as a way to identify people, especially criminals.
Types of Fingerprints
Methods of Collecting Fingerprints
1. Fingerprints have been used for many years as a way to identify people, especially criminals.
a. First started in 1858 when Sir William Herschel, a British Administrator in India, required a signature and fingerprints on civil contracts
b. In 1892 Juan Vucetich made the first ever criminal fingerprint ID. He identified the print of a woman who murdered her two sons and cut her throat in an effort to blame another person. She left a bloody print on the door post which proved her as the murderer.
c. In 1917 the first palm print ID was made in Nevada. The bloody print of a palm was found on a letter left at the scene of a stage coach robbery and murder of its driver, this print was identified to Ben Kuhl.
d. The U.S. military adopts the use of fingerprints in 1905 shortly followed by police agencies and in 1908 the first official fingerprinting card was developed
e. 1924 is when the formation of ID Division of FBI came into place followed in 1980 with the first computer database of fingerprints was developed
Types of Fingerprints
1. Three main types of prints:
a. Visible prints
i. Visible prints are when they are left in some type of medium such as blood, dirt, ink or grease is visible to the naked eye. In these mediums the fingerprint is visible allowing them to be easily identified
b. Latent prints
i. Latent prints are not visible to the naked eye and are formed from sweat on the fingers or water, salt amino acids and oils contained in sweat. The sweat and fluids make prints must be developed before they can be seen or photographed and can be made visible by dusting, fuming or chemical reagents.
c. Impressed prints
i. Also called plastic prints impressed prints are indentations left in soft pliable surfaces like clay, wax, paint or other surfaces that take impressions. They are visible and can be seen or photographed without development
Methods of Collecting Fingerprints
- Dusting
- Most common of all methods. With the use of a paintbrush like brush and powder of Talc or Graphite, based on the surface, you can identify a print on the surface. By putting powder on the print and blowing excess powder away it can leave the marks of the ridges.
- Electric Pen
- In this method a metal filing brush and electric pen is used. the brush is really an electromagnet that takes iron filings. Just like the ordinary brushes, it does not effect the print. The print sticks to the oil and you can lift the print by using sticky tape or other adhesives.
- Special Chemical Bonding Agents
- In this method crime scene investigators will set the object in a heated area. Then they will make use of the fumes of superglue to warm the environment. A white substance should appear on the print making it easy to identify. People have been using this method for years.
- Gray Scale, Live scan and Biometric Gadgets.
- Used by police operatives this method uses 256 shades of gray by the gray scale in taking prints. Live Scan uses different types of laser technology in assessing fingerprints. To get a clear print to send off to databases for a match a glass pad is used. Aside from taking prints , they can be matched and searched for using a database so you don’t even need to take your suspect to the police station with the use of a biometric handheld gadget
- http://www.look4articles.com/Art/209347/39/Popular-Methods-of-Collecting-Fingerprints.html
Basic Shapes/ Patterns
- Loops
- Most common. Must have one Core and Delta, point on a ridge at or near the point of divergence of two lines, and located at or directly in front of the point of divergence. Loops have a ridge count, the number of lines intersected if you draw a line from the Delta to the core.
- Double Loop
- Consists of two separate loop formations
- Arches
- Plain
- Ridges enter upon one side, make a rise or wave in the center and flow out the opposite side.
- Tented
- Has an angle, up thrusts, or two-three basic characteristics of a loop,
- Whorls
- A fingerprint with 2 or more Delta’s is a whorl. It has one or more ridges, with 2 delta’s
- Double Loop
- Consists of two separate loop formations and distinct sets of shoulders and two delta’s
- Central Pocket Loop Whorls
- Consists of at least one recurving ridge, or a obstruction at right angles to the line flow, with 2 delta’s
- Accidental Loop
- Has two different patterns with an exception of a plain arch, has 2 or more delta’s
In my fingerprints I found I have Radial Loops with some Tented Arches
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